multilingual presenter - interpreter - translator
(13 may 2019 14:10)
2 km swim, 86 km bike, 20 km run - that's the distance which has to be completed by the participants of the Austrian 1/2 Iron Triathlon, not far away from the city of Graz in Styria. I was glad to be there as a multilingual presenter.
(14 october 2015 11:09)
Well, I am not exaggerating saying that car racing is one of the most spectacular sporting disciplines humanity has seen. The 23rd edition of the Harghita Rallye (Transylvania, Romania) was a superb highlight of the year, I enjoyed every moment of it. Thousands of supporters came to see the SS stage on the streets of Odorhei (Szekelyudvarhely) and they had a lot of fun. The race brought another victory for Simone Tempestini, the Italian has won the National Championship aged 21. I was honored to present this spectacular event.
(30 october 2014 23:40)
I had the opportunity to talk about my career as a professional multilingual presenter. It happened on the Hungarian channel called DIGI Sport at the end of October 2014.

Video in Hungarian language:
(12 may 2014 19:45)
There were some heroic iron men and women who competed at the Austrian 1/2 Iron Triathlon last Saturday. With 280 people from 11 different countries, the Styrian competition guaranteed a spectacular experience. It all began with an exhausting 2 km long swimming leg. Afterwards, there was a great cycling part measuring 86 km and a decisive showdown with 21 km of running. It was a fantastic event where I had the honor to entertain respectively infotain people performing a 3 language commentary (EN, DE, HU).