multilingual presenter - interpreter - translator
(13 may 2019 14:10)
2 km swim, 86 km bike, 20 km run - that's the distance which has to be completed by the participants of the Austrian 1/2 Iron Triathlon, not far away from the city of Graz in Styria. I was glad to be there as a multilingual presenter.
(26 august 2016 12:06)
At the third edition of the IronMan 70.3 in Budapest I had the honour to present a press conference. The highlight of the day was an interview with the triathlon world champion Ivan Rana of Spain.
(26 august 2015 15:16)
Terenzo Bozzone (NZL) set a new track record at IronMan 70.3 Budapest last weekend. It was party-atmosphere once again in the Hungarian capital where professionals and age group athletes competed on a distance consisting of 1.9 km swim, 90 km cycling and 21 km run.
(27 august 2014 17:30)
1,500 triathletes came to complete a historic challenge in Budapest. It was the first IronMan competition ever held in Hungary. It happened on the 23rd of August 2014 as the participants had to face the challenge of 1.9 km of swimming, 90 km of cycling and 21.1 km of running. Just crazy and spectacular!
(19 august 2014 21:49)
For the very first time in its almost 40 year long history, the IronMan series comes to Hungary. Moreover, it is going to be the first IronMan ever held in Central Europe (over the old "iron curtain"). In a magic and absolutely crazy atmosphere, a total number of 1500 heroes come to compete on a challenging course: 1.9 km of swimming, 90.1 km of cycling and a decisive 21.1 km long running phase. Let's meet on Saturday in Budapest, I am honored to be one of the presenters at this historic event! 
